Lisa Reid Photography

Party Time!!!

It’s birthday season in our house – four birthdays in eight weeks, closely followed by Christmas…it can get a little bit crazy. My baby has just turned eight and is a big fan of the books by Jane O’Connor about a little girl called Nancy who just loves to be fancy. SO it was decided that she would have a Fancy Nancy Party. Jaime and five friends arrived home on the bus on Friday after school – followed by Cierra and her friend who was called in to help out.
I had great plans of a gorgeous garden party with tissue paper pom poms strung in the trees, loads of bunting and a very large and very fancy table set in lashings of pink and purple…alas, the rain came down in buckets and the party was quickly moved inside – to a very small table with much less pink and purple….. so much for planning!

We decorated photo frames, had portraits taken dressed in our fanciness then tucked into a scrumptious (that’s fancy for yummy) dinner.

 Does anyone remember my Winter Cake Baking Challenge – well this is Cake # TEN… it turned out to be perfect for our party weekend as I served up the bottom layer at the birthday party and still had two layers for the “Official Family Birthday Tea” the next night.

                                        Just a little more pink and purpleness.

                               The birthday girl ….. I can’t believe my baby is eight!!