Lisa Reid Photography

Abigail & Drew’s Winter Wedding

I first met Abigail and Drew at Ironic for a coffee to chat about wedding photography. I was incredibly excited to hear that they were getting married in our church – where we got married and where our family still spends a lot of our time. We realised that we had very similar ideas on weddings and marriage and I left that meeting hoping with all my heart that they would choose me to be their photographer. Well …. roll on six weeks or so …. yes, these guys can organise a wedding pretty quickly…. and there we were hanging out at my church, them in their wedding finery and me behind my camera.

Yes, it is fair to say that I was just a little bit excited.

Abigail’s mum and dad came all the way from China for their little girl’s wedding.

I don’t think that I have ever seen such excited parents.

It was so lovely to see how happy they were that their princess had found her prince.

I think Dad’s eyes might be a little misty here – totally love it when we tug at those parental heartstrings.

And a little bit more emotion – Abigail certainly knows how to draw out a few tears from the men in her life.

Drew & Abigail’s ceremony was packed to the brim with all kinds of good things  – singing, a sermon, communion, prayers and even a call to worship. It was epic and there was just so much going on to keep this photographer busy.

And then finally … the moment we’d all been waiting for …. the kiss …. and the introduction of Mr and Mrs Butcher.


My favourite gravel road was looking slightly less gravelly and a little more muddy – but that’s August for you.

      A quick visit to Dunedin’s Chinese Gardens – the perfect place to photograph a girl who grew up in China.

Drew & Abigail, I’d just like to thank you so much for sharing your day with me and for creating such a magical wedding. Wishing you both a marriage full of love.