I thought I would borrow my little niece for an hour or so to take some photos as a surprise for her mum. Little Miss Ella had other ideas. “Not today” she said. “But it’s a surprise for mummy” I said. “NOT Today” she said again. And so it went on. So much for the studio style, white backdrop images I had been imagining. Let’s just throw on a tutu, a cowboy hat and hang out in the bedroom instead. It’s amazing how much you can capture without little people realising. Anyway, it was worth perservering and her mum was surprised. When I took her back home she told me it had been a “Fun day Aunty Lisa”. Yep – LOTS of fun!!
This fabulous photo was actually taken by my talented assistant and husband while I lay on the rug just out of site. You can see from the image below, playing in the leaves wasn’t as much fun as I thought it would be.
Ella came to play again yesterday and she seems to have forgiven me for subjecting her to such nasty torture on her last visit. I kept the camera well hidden yesterday and we baked and played Littlest Pet Shops instead. Thanks Ella for another FUN DAY!!
Aunty Lisa xx