Lisa Reid Photography

Richelle & Daniel – wedding @ Grandview Gardens

The last wedding of the season ….. and it was totally worth the wait.
I first met Richelle and Daniel a couple of years ago and since then their cute as a button little poppet Ariana has turned into an amazing big sister to her equally cute little brother Rylan.
We’ve had a couple of portrait sessions while we counted down the days until their wedding and now it’s finally here. A golden Autumnal lego filled day of love, laughter and tears.
A long weekend treat for you…….. enjoy!

 These orange and yellow hues are just perfect for an Autumn wedding.

 Richelle got ready at Silver Peaks Lodge – a heavenly retreat over looking the Taieri Plains.
And it was just perfect for some pretty photos of the pre-wedding activities.

 Told you this little monkey was the cutest thing.

 Total sweetness right there….. Ari you are too gorgeous.

 Lego – the theme of the day. Such a fun cheerful idea and fantastic for the kids too.

 Never seen a lego ring box before – but isn’t it cute?

 Rylan – hanging out with the big boys. 
Take a closer look and you can see the lego detailing – very clever.

The basket is filled with stones on which the guests had written messages to Richelle and Daniel. These were supposed to be inspirational tips for a long and happy marriage. 
The one being read right now said “Daniel is cool” – hilarious!
Just as long as Richelle always remembers what a cool husband she has 
then all will be right in their marriage. 

 Thumb prints – a totally cool way to include the kids in the signing of the register.

 Dancing their way down the aisle.

 These guys were so awesome. 
Well with Daniel being so cool you would expect he would have awesome friends.

 Aww – a special friendships like these are to be treasured.

 A little bit of madness is totally fine by me….

 The boys pretending to be girls and the girls pretending to be boys…… loving the craziness.

 You guys are beautiful and cool – it’s been such a pleasure working with you both.
Wishing you total bliss in your life together – love, laughter and just a little bit of craziness.
Stay cool!