Lisa Reid Photography

Jodi & Brett – married @ Bannockburn

Sunshine, laughter, love and celebrations.
A fabulous way to say “I do” amongst special friends and family.
Jodi and Brett chose to get married at the Bannockburn School Camp – a perfect venue for their relaxed three day wedding celebrations. 
It’s such a great idea to have a venue where all the guests can stay and the festivities just keep on going. Bannockburn put on a typical Central Otago summer scorcher of a day which was absolutely perfect.
I loved how cool calm and collected everyone was and couldn’t have asked for a more chilled out and relaxed bridal party. This may or may not be because Brett and his bestman Brad were super comfortable in their shorts and not sweltering in more traditional suits. Inspired choice boys.
Whatever the reason it worked fantastically!
 A bit of summery floral prettiness to start the day.
 Jenna and Victoria carrying out their bridesmaids roles perfectly.

 Love this proud mum moment….

 Jodi and Brett chose to have their bridal photos taken before their ceremony.
The first time Brett saw Jodi…… awwww!
 Here is the cute factor – wee Nixon thought his mummy looked gorgeous in her “cool dress”.

 We spent some time in the garden of some friends – a beautiful setting for some photos.
Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

 Travelling in style to the ceremony…

 Even the dogs got to celebrate this special day – and they had a great time too.

 Nixon did a fantastic job delivering the ring to his dad – what a wee star!

 Sealed with a kiss – sign on the dotted line and it’s all official – you are now husband and wife!

 Even Nixon got to “sign” the marriage certificate – pretty cute.

Hugs and kisses all round – the perfect way to end the official part of the day and head off for the party. Jodi and Brett (and Nixon too) thanks for choosing us to share your day – you guys are awesome. Wishing you all a bright future together – filled with love, laughter and fun. xox