Lisa Reid Photography

Laura & Jason – married at Larnach Castle

You couldn’t get a more beautiful location for this gorgeous wedding – The Castle was the perfect backdrop for Jason and Laura’s big day. I love this venue so much and I loved it even more for this wedding as Laura and Jason added an extra something special to the day – they are the best!
Finishing touches and little details that popped up here and there made our day even better.

 Laura and “her girls” – I love that her mum was such an important part of the day.

 These shoes featured in my images a little more than usual shoes but they were just so pretty.

 See – you gotta love pretty shoes!

 And just one more look at those shoes…..

 Laura – you are beautiful inside and out and you make a stunning bride – Jason is a lucky guy!

 The boys waiting on the girls to arrive – not looking nervous at all – 
one of the most relaxed bunch I’ve met prior to a wedding.

 I love how they are all looking across the garden to try and get a glimpse of the crowd.

 I was watching the movie “27 Dresses” last night with my girls. It turns out that the main character, Jane, who is obsessed with weddings, was sharing her favourite part of the day. The moment when everyone has turned to look at the bride arriving she always looks at the groom instead to catch that moment when he first sees his wife to be – it’s my favourite moment too and I always like to catch that moment so the bride in question can see it for herself.

 One of Rob’s shots – loving this so much!

 Too cute – this little guy did a great job of delivering the rings at just the right time.

 Selfie time!! – Couldn’t resist capturing this.
 Pretty cool cufflinks – told you these guys had awesome details for me to share with you.


With this ring…….. 
Laura and Jason – we wish you a wonderful life together, sharing your love with each other, your friends and families. You two are made for each other – enjoy your life as husband and wife.
Thanks for sharing your day with us. xox