Winter is here once more. The pretty dresses, flowers and rings are all a distant memory once more with the wedding season well and truly over. I have finally found time to enjoy my new kitchen which has been sadly under utilised since we’ve been in our “new” house. Inspiration struck though with the arrival of some rather delicious looking feijoas to my door. Who would have thought that I could lay my hands on a recipe for a feijoa and coconut cake quite so quickly. But I have a copy of a fabulous cookbook from Tai Tapu school and right there on the first page I turned to was the perfect recipe for the occasion.
One of my Gran’s old soup bowls make a great place to keep feijoas.
There was even mashed feijoa in the icing…… yum!!
I have a slight weakness for red and white polka dots – my kitchen chairs started it and these were a birthday pressie from my sister-in-law – just perfect!!
I may or may not have shoes and a handbag to match.
I haven’t included the recipe with this blog as it’s from a fabulous fundraising venture from my second cousin’s school at Tai Tapu . If you’re interested in getting a copy for yourself (which I highly recommend then check it out at
I have set myself a wee challenge to bake more often (and go running more often too to even things up a bit!!) So hopefully you’ll see some more blogs like this over the winter and my kitchen will get a bit more use.