Lisa Reid Photography

Kate & Mike – Married @ Know Church

Kate and Mike were married on a beautiful Dunedin day in a stunning old church surrounded by their family, friends and an extraordinary amount of cute little people. I made firm friends with Lucia, Kate’s three year old niece who “helped” me take some of the family photos. 
Kate had been busy leading up to the big day making plenty of bits and pieces to personalise the tables and decorations. She did an amazing job, personally though my favourite was the “lolly table”.
Kate and Mike and your amazing bridal party – you guys rock and I had such a lot of fun working with you all. Especially Immy and Lucia – these girls are too cute for words so you’ll just have to look at the photos and see for yourselves.

 Some time with the boys – the most organised groom that I’ve seen in a while- probably cause Mum was on hand to help.

 Then off to the ladies…. much prettiness.

 Told you so ……… just beautiful girls. You were amazing flowergirls .

 And they come with added cuteness – a little brother.

 I just loved this – well written girls.

 Oh Kate – you are stunning!!

 Here comes the bride……

 A jumping shot for the boys prompted a little bit of friendly competition….

 Actually – these girls were taking it very seriously and ditched their shoes to help with their jumping

 Woo hoo!!

 Such a pretty lolly table – love it!

 Wishing you both a lifetime of sweetness together – thanks so much for sharing your day.

Lisa xox