Lisa Reid Photography

Cake # NINE – Ginger & Chocolate Muffins

Okay…… I must confess. Today’s cake challenge has been slightly downgraded from cake to muffins. I had forty minutes to prepare something for an impromptu morning tea visitor and a last minute pregnancy photo shoot booked for this afternoon. Something…

Burning Down The House

At the weekend our neighbours enlisted the local fire brigades to burn down an old house on their property. A couch was set alight to get things started and the fire took hold of the house in an incredibly short…

Cake # SEVEN – Chocolate Cake.

Well my baking challenge is starting to pay off. I have just made my very first chocolate cake that doesn’t have a great sink hole in the middle of it that I have to disguise with extra icing. I am…

Cake # 6 – Hummingbird Cake.

Happy July everyone! Jack Frost has been very busy at our place this week – frozen pipes, no water, and burst pipes to troughs in the paddocks. One problem after another….My husband is the best!! Today, instead of getting frustrated…

Cake # 5 – Coconut & Lime Cake

Well it’s been five weeks since we got back from Thailand and the tan has well and truly faded. Winter has hit us hard this week with a real cold snap and I’m wishing I was back in the sunshine…

Phuket – Holiday Perfection.

We counted down to our holiday in Phuket for weeks, okay maybe it was months, but here we are, home again and it’s all just a distant memory. But what a great memory it is to store away. We holidayed…