Nikki & Kyle’s wedding was so full of emotion, a beautiful day for an amazing couple. Nikki’s favourite colour is lime green so of course it was the feature colour of their wedding. I have to say her two gorgeous bridesmaids, who have been friends with Nikki forever, looked stunning in their green dresses. But Nikki stole the show in her dress, what can I say? So elegant.
There were a few tears shed as Nikki walked down the aisle – and not just from us girls either.
Grandview Gardens put on a perfect spring day for us and we traipsed here, there and everywhere for the photo session. This bridal party was so much fun, they were itching to get into the boat down at the pond and to play on the big swing …….take a look and you can see just how much FUN it was.
This little cutie was Kyle’s niece and the flower girl – isn’t she sweet?
Told you lime green was gorgeous.
Too cute!!
I take away from this wedding lots of fond memories of people who love each other so much, who share tears and laughter as they celebrate a special day together and a new found appreciation for “lime green”.
Thanks Nikki & Kyle for sharing your day with me.