Lisa Reid Photography


There is nothing quite as special as meeting a new baby for the very first time and my meeting with Olivia was no exception. She is just a tiny bundle of gorgeousness, and up for a little snuggle with me too. My lucky day!! And it got even better when Miss Olivia fell asleep – yes…..right asleep, proper asleep, the kind of asleep where I can get those sleeping baby shots that I dream of. This doesn’t happen to me very often, that’s why I sound so excited, usually me and babies have an understanding that the second they shut their eyes and pretend to sleep, I’ll quickly take the photograph before their little peepers pop open again………sleepy babies…….my new favourite thing!!

I may have neglected to tell you that it did take almost two hours for this little miss to fall asleep, but it was SO worth the wait. Thank you so much to Julie and Barry for sharing their brand new daughter with me.