I have just experienced my first go at being an assistant manager for my daughter’s school hockey team. We got to travel all the way to Whangarei and spent from Sunday to Sunday eating, sleeping and breathing hockey. It was a blast, although it was quite difficult to be constantly vigilant of any behavioural quirks that might embarrass my fifteen year. Believe me, it doesn’t take much to be embarrassing when you’re a mum to a teenager. It must have gone off okay though as I received a number of hugs at the airport from the rest of the team and Cierra hasn’t banned me from further hockey trips. I have to say though I arrived home totally shattered – you could be mistaken for thinking that I had been playing hockey all week – that’s the level of exhaustion I felt. Think it was the early mornings, late nights and the endless shopping for pink buns and chocolate milk that did it – not to mention the mental exhaustion of witnessing one too many games that went into extra time. Not so good for the blood pressure.
On reflection though I feel truly blessed to have been able to share the week with an awesome bunch of teenaged girls and the dedicated team of adults who made the week a wonderful experience for everyone there.