Lisa Reid Photography

Amelia & Andrew – married @ North Taieri

What excitement – Amelia and Andrew were looking for wedding photographer only a few weeks before their wedding. And lucky for me they landed on my doorstep and picked me to be their photographer. It was short notice and I did have another wedding booked the day before but who could resist this lovely couple and their super cute kiddies – they may have bribed me with a helicopter ride too…..
So it was a big YES from me and and their wedding rolled around very quickly and here it is a sneak peek for you to enjoy.
 First stop was a quick visit to the boys …..

 A little bit of advice from Lucas to his Dad on this auspicious occasion.

 Then off to see the girls ….. they were getting ready at Amelia’s Dad’s place.

 This is Mikayla – she made a super cute flower girl. She is a huge fan of Elsa from Frozen.

 Mikayla’s Grandad (Amelia’s Dad) was awesome at keeping an eye on his little princess while her mummy was getting ready for the wedding.

 I love this…… seeing his little girl in her wedding dress for the first time.
A very proud dad moment right there.

 Meanwhile at the church ….. a few finishing touches while we wait for the girls to arrive.
 And eat some lollies….

 And here they are – arriving in style. 
 Mikayla taking one last photo of her helicopter. SO cute!!

 I think Mikayla was supposed to be carrying the basket of rose petals to sprinkle but she preferred to carry this handbag instead – the honour of basket carrying was handed over to Grandad.

 Lucas was very excited to see his big sister and greeted her with loads of enthusiasm and a huge hug.

 Sealed with a kiss and then signed on the dotted line…

 Snapping a couple of shots from the helicopter – i
t was amazing to fly over the Taieri Plains and check out this familiar landscape from the sky.
Amelia and Andrew were looking for some rustic farm buildings for their photos – I happened to know the perfect place – it was pretty cool to fly over our farm and land in our back paddock. 
While we were coming over I could see Rob and the girls bringing a mob of sheep home.
Thanks guys for this amazing experience!

 At this stage the smaller members of the bridal party had just about had enough – 
to my surprise the bridal party burst into an acapella version of “Let It Go” from Frozen. 
This made everyone smile. Totally awesome guys – thanks so much for the entertainment.
 A little round of applause for the impromptu entertainment.

 A little break from the camera – Florence was very happy to get a surprise afternoon snack.

An epic wedding celebration – thanks for choosing me to be a part of you celebrations.
