More cuteness on the blog today – two little girls who I am sure will grow up to be best friends.
Meet Harper – she is such a cutie.
She has a secret and she’s super excited about it.
Yes – she is a BIG sister. Doesn’t she look like she’s going to be the most fun big sister in the world!
And this is Madison – another little cutie pie.
I bet she can’t wait to be old enough to play with Harper.
There’s so much fun to be had growing up with a sister.
This little button was super sleepy and made my job incredibly easy.
Aww – cuddly and cute – the perfect combination.
You three are just beautiful.
Michelle – you are going to have your hand full with two little munchkins to keep you busy, but you’ll have so much fun along the way. Two little girls are extra special – and these two remind me a lot of my girls. Thank you for sharing your family with me for a morning – I loved getting to know you all.