Lisa Reid Photography

The Tisdall Family – Portraits.

 Andrea and Boyd brought their fantastic boys down to our place for a bit of family portrait fun. As you can see we did have a LOT of fun. Jack and George are still at the age where a photo shoot is still just a wee bit fun – in a couple of years they’ll be way to cool for this sort of stuff. So I enjoyed it while I could!.

 Love the Autumn leaves- I know you heard that a lot from me, but it really is my favourite backdrop.

 Trying to make a quick get-away? No! There was still much to much fun to be wordpress had.

 A little bit of brotherly LOVE!

 Ha ha – we did this so many times until we finally nailed it!

 Ready Set GO!!!!
A jumping contest to finish off – the camera doesn’t lie – Andrea got the highest off the ground.
 Yay for mums!
Loads of fun with The Tisdalls. Come back again anytime.