Lisa Reid Photography

Amber & Jeff – Married @ Larnach Castle

A fairytale wedding at Larnach Castle.
Amber and Jeff chose one of Dunedin’s historic landmarks as their wedding venue.
Just gorgeous.
I have known Amber for years and years – since she was a student studying to be a pharmacist and now I have the pleasure of being her wedding photographer. 
Amber and Jeff were the most relaxed couple I’ve worked with. When I arrived at their house they were just sitting around with their bridal party having some nibbles and it seemed just like any old Saturday afternoon…but no… through the house was an elegant gown of the palest pink and a dashing grey suit just waiting to head off to a wedding in the cutest vintage car ever.
And now…. we have The Sneak Peek for you all to enjoy.

 One of my favourite dresses….and it suited Amber to perfection.
 Amber made all of the bouquets – what an amazing talent she has.
 Something blue….

 Quirky cufflinks – a great gift for the boys.

 Amber and Jeff chose to do their bridal photos before their ceremony.

 It was fantastic to be able to take photos inside the castle – such grand rooms and it just felt like we’d stepped back in time.

 Ed and Violet – such cuties – popped along to spend some time with their mummy and daddy juts before the ceremony. 

 Here comes the bride….

 Ed’s big moment – he did a great job of handing over the rings.

Such a beautiful day, filled with prettiness, love, laughter and great friends. It was lovely to see so many familiar pharmacy faces. 
Thanks so very much Amber and Jeff for sharing your day with Rob and me.
We’d like to wish you a lifetime of happiness together.