Lisa Reid Photography

Kimberly & Anthony – Married @ Glenfalloch

Dunedin’s gorgeous Glenfalloch Garden graced us with a beautiful day to celebrate the marriage of such a lovely couple – Kimberly and Anthony (also know as Kim and Eddy).
Their story is so romantic and goes a little like this…..
Kim travels to England and works in a hotel where she meets Eddy who is a chef.
They fall in love, want to get married and live in New Zealand, but there is a problem. Eddy refuses to get in an aeroplane. Love, however, can conquer all and with the help of a romantic cruise across the oceans to New Zealand they are now here and ready to head off to their “happy ever after”.
Rob and I had a fabulous day working with these guys, Kim looked absolutely stunning and Eddy scrubbed up superbly too. Their best friends, Kylie and James, stood by them on their big day and managed to share loads of hilarious stories from their childhoods during the speeches.
This is another HUGE blog (maybe my biggest ever) so sit back and enjoy a sneak peek of their day.

 Wow – Kim, look at  YOU! Stunning!

 Rob was sneaking around found a little track that let him get a couple of shots 
from a different  angle.

 If my memory serves me correctly (and occasionally it doesn’t) this little poppet was celebrating her 5th birthday – isn’t she a cutie?

 Super cool cufflinks- Union Jacks to remind Eddy of home and a touch of Paua to remind the bestman, James, of an amazing trip to NZ to be at this wonderful wedding.

 Eddy’s mum did a fantastic speech – an incredibly hard job to manage to reduce a large amount of the listeners to tears and remain dry eyed herself – I am one impressed photographer!

What a privilege it was to be a part of your special day – I want to wish you both a lifetime of happy days filled with love and laughter. Enjoy your sneak peek.