Lisa Reid Photography

Michelle & Rob – Married @ Grandview Gardens

Another beautiful Grandview Gardens wedding to share with you today.
Michelle is one of the bravest people I’ve met. She moved to Australia to be with Rob – a boy she had only met in cyber space. 
It turned out that this was a smart move and that he was “The ONE”.
She brought him home to New Zealand to get married a few weeks ago and here is the sneak peek of their wonderful wedding.
Pretty dress – pretty view.
 Can’t take any credit for this though – I needed someone to hang the dress up for me as I’m a little vertically challenged and the idea came from Craig O’Neill’s recent photos at the same location. 
Couldn’t help but copy it – awesome idea Craig!!

 Apparently, Rob is an expert at shopping for jewellery and her is the piece he picked out for Michelle to wear on her wedding day. You need to hold onto boys who love to buy pressies like this.

 Michelle’s sister Teresa was there to help her get ready and support her throughout the day – 
that’s what sisters are for. Her dress was beautifully co-ordinated to match Jo’s lush lavender at Grandview – I love it when things match like that.

 Mother and daughter moments like this – precious.

 Cute idea – lettuces in tins – who would have thought they would look this good.
 The venue at Grandview Gardens – looking fantastic as usual.

 It was touch and go whether this wedding would be inside or outside – but the rain stopped just in time and they decided to brave the elements – wise move – it’s just so pretty out there.

 Here comes the bride…… love how the brides can come in over the bridge.

 And I think Rob looks pretty pleased about it all.

 Here they are – the new Mr and Mrs

 So glad to find this treasure in Jo’s vege garden – a very pretty prop for the rings.

 Gotta LOVE this car – I have to say that I am turning into a bit of a car fan, so many awesome options out there for wedding cars.

 You can tell these two are country girls – matching gumboots – and they’re so pretty too.


 Just caught this spot out of the corner of my eye – shifted the happy couple and ….
voila, my fave images of the day.

 Back to that beautiful bridge again – a great spot to finish up.

Michelle & Rob – the very best of wedded bliss to you both. 
Thank you SO much for the beautiful day!  
Lisa xox