Lisa Reid Photography

 Pull up a chair and make yourself a cuppa, there’s a huge amount to get through so you could be here a while. Royce and Elyse created a beautiful celebration to express their love for one another and I felt truly privileged to be a part of this special occasion. The Tautuku Fishing Club was a fabulous venue and looked absolutely amazing – would recommend it highly for a relaxed, low key and unique wedding venue. Enjoy the sneak peek…

 Personalised cufflinks – a great gift for the boys, showcasing their individuality. Very cute!

 And a little more cuteness – this is Charlie – he almost stole the show – until the bride arrived that is.

 Charlie and Uncle Royce
 What an awesome idea

 Elyse and her ladies

 Just gorgeous ELyse – that Royce is a lucky man.

 Another great idea – Elyse and Royce wrote each other a secret letter, popped it inside this box with a bottle of “bubbly” and nailed it shut! On their fifth anniversary they get to open it, read their letters and drink their Moet. How romantic is that. The plan is to replace the bottle and seal it up until their 10th anniversary – you could keep going forever. Love this idea!

 Here comes the bride…

 A good luck hug from her brother – and one from Mum too

 A good bridesmaid alwasy has an emergency tissue on hand … just in case.

 I love it when there are grandmas at weddings – so special.