Lisa Reid Photography

Melanie – modelling portfolio

This is my very first modelling portfolio – I’m not sure if it really counts though because it was for my friend Melanie. I’ve known this gorgeous girl since high school – she will tell you that she was much younger than me, and she would be right. Then we met up again many years later when we were in the same ante natal group……ten years on Melanie has just completed a make-up course with AliMcD Modelling Agency here in Dunedin. Her gorgeousness was spotted and they wanted her to submit a portfolio to their agency…… here we are.

I had a lot of fun with this photoshoot – in spite of the miserable wet weather. Maybe, just maybe, you have always dreamed of being a super model and would like to grab a friend and set up an unofficial and super fun “modelling session” then……..I can make your dreams come true. We might even be able to get Melanie on the job for some fabulous make up……let me know if you like this idea and I can book you in. To all my brides out there if you are still looking for wedding makeup then…look no further. Give me a shout and I’ll give you Melanie’s details.
Thanks Melanie for the opportunity to do something different with my photography.
Lisa xox