It’s that time of the year again on the Reid’s Farm – tailing time!! Tailing lambs…it’s a game the whole family can play. Jaime and Cierra have been helping out with tailing every since they were old enough to sit on the back of the quad bike. We got hardly any tailing done during the school holidays because of the weather so the girls are having a couple of days off school to help out this week. We just can’t quite manage without their help. Tonight I’m feeling tired, REALLY tired, but it’s that good kind of tired that means you’ve done a hard days work. Usually when I’m working hard I’m sitting at the computer prettying up my photos….but this is REAL hard work. I’ve picked up hundreds of lambs in the last two days and they were BIG lambs, REALLY BIG lambs. You should see my muscles!!
The Team.
The tools of the trade.
Waiting their turns.
Boyd – our heading dog, looking pleased that the lambs are all in.
Stan – our Huntaway hanging out and looking cool.
Dog Tired!!
We couldn’t do all of this without help from our furry friends.
Hope they realise how much we appreciate them, maybe a few extra dog bikkies tonight boys!!
Weddings and family portraits coming up soon. Lots of editing going on amongst the farming so plenty for you all to look forward to.
I’m off for a long hot bath – bliss!!