Lisa Reid Photography

Quinn and Hunter – cute or what?

Hunter brought his little sister to meet me when she was a tiny little poppet only a few weeks old. He must have had fun last time because he’s brought her back and now she’s toddling around in her yellow gumboots and looking ever so cute. I have the best job in the world getting to hang out with fun little people like this, oh yeah, and their parents!! Actually their parents are great fun too and totally into photo shoots and cool ideas…images are almost edited, but thought I’d surprise you guys with a few tonight.

 How cute are these kids??

Hunter – the BIG brother…

Love the protective hand on Quinn’s hood…

My FAVOURITE photo of the day – chubby cheeks and big blue eyes.

These parents are super cool – they climbed up into our haystack to get this – to be fair I thought I was pretty cool too as I was balancing on top of a farming implement getting the shot, it might have been a ridger, but then again it might not have been either.

 Sweet treats to keep my models happy.

But when the sweet treats are done so are the smiles – my daughter Cierra actually stole this wee gem while I was packing my leaves back into their bag for another day.

A goodbye kiss!
                Hope you liked this blog filled with cuteness.

                                  Lisa  XOX