Lisa Reid Photography

Hottest Home Baker ?

Baking is NOT one of my talents, my cakes always seem to be over cooked, under cooked or they sink in the middle. So….now things have got a little quieter on the photography front I have set myself a challenge. Each week over the winter I am going to bake a special treat. I am also going to photograph each treat, my way of justifying all that baking business is to have the thrill of getting my camera out at the end of it all. If this all goes well then I may start offering to bake wedding cakes for my brides in addition to photographing their big day!!
Well here goes….
                                 Cake # ONE.   – LEMON SOUR CREAM CAKE
Made with help from Miss Seven who has a Teacher Only Day today….yay for an enthusiastic helper to get me started.

Cake # ONE all done.
Special thanks to my lovely helper – I promise I did do MOST of the work, really I did!!

Lisa xox

RECIPE – Lemon Sour Cream Cake

110g butter
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
The rind of one large lemon
1 cup flour
1t baking powder
120g sour cream

Juice of one large lemon
1T hot water
1/4 cup sugar

Cream butter and sugar. Then beat in eggs and lemon rind.
Sift flour and baking powder. Fold in flour mix in three lots alternating with sour cream.
Mix until smooth and pour into a well greased and lined tin.
Bake for 35-40 minutes at 160 degrees celcius.

To make the glaze, juice your lemon and add hot water, then the sugar, 1 teaspoonful at a time, stirring between each addition.
Once the cake is cooked remove from the oven, leave in tin for five minutes before pouring on the glaze. Dust with icing sugar for decoration. To help glaze seep into cake pierce all over with a skewer.
Remove from tin when cool. Serve with whipped cream or natural yoghurt.
