Lisa Reid Photography

Kimberley & Scott – Grandview Gardens.

I have been looking forward to Kimberley and Scott’s wedding for ages….. Kimberley and her mum Sharon booked the wedding almost two years ago at my first ever Wedding Show. We met up again to discuss the wedding day and share some ideas for the photo session, but there had been no sign of Scott at all. Apparently, he is very shy. Anyway the big day dawned bright and sunny and I was finally going to meet the elusive groom to be. I spent some time photographing the girls getting ready, I was supposed to have photographed Scott and the boys getting ready too, but the night before Kimberley rang me to say that I should just meet the boys at Grandview Gardens and do their photos then…..this guy really was shy.
I left the girls and headed out to Outram to spend some time with the boys before the ceremony, I thought half an hour hanging out with them and their cars would just about cover it. I get there and there are no groom, bestman or groomsmen to be found………he can’t be that shy……surely!!! I waited, waited, took some shots of the tables, waited some more, met some friendly people, waited a wee bit more and then just as I was starting to get a wee bit worried that maybe he really was that shy, I heard the rumble of a “Boy’s Car” on the gravel road and in came an old Holden, not really old, just old enough to be the kind of car my dad drove when I was young!! The boys were having a great time…..and Scott wasn’t that shy at all, in fact he was awesome in front of the camera.
When Kimberley and the girls arrived we all got to witness a most beautiful ceremony and to share those sneaky glances between the happy couple – you know those looks that make you feel all mushy inside.
A true love story.
The best part of all of this is that I get to work with Kimberley’s family again in November when I will be photographing her twin sister Melissa’s wedding…..look out for that.
But right now we get to see some images from Kimberley and Scott’s beautiful day.

 If you look closely you can see Kimberley’s mum and dad’s wedding photo hanging on the wall behind   them. I love it when you see wedding photos on the wall at the bride’s parents house – it makes me remember just how important my job is and hope that one day a long long time from now some of my images will still be gracing the walls in the homes of the brides I work with.